Threads of Pollachi: A Woven story

Client Ethicus

Role Textile Designer

Year 2022

Craft Tapestry weaving

Location Pollachi, Tamil Nadu

“Project Samarth is a government-initiated scheme designed to build capacity in the textile sector. Project Samarth was initiated by the South Indian brand Ethicus. It focuses on enhancing the skills and livelihoods of women from non-traditional weaving communities. My role in this project involved intricate coordination between the managing organisation and artisans to ensure smooth operation and compliance with regulations, and also teaching tapestry weaving to these women.”

A key component of Project Samarth was conducting workshops to teach women from non-traditional weaving backgrounds the basics of tapestry and weaving. These workshops empowered the women with new skills, enabling them to create beautiful textiles and earn a sustainable income.

By providing this training, the project not only helped these women support themselves financially but also contributed to the preservation and revitalization of traditional weaving techniques in new communities.

Fig on the right: A Loom prepared by the artisans ready for weaving. 

Fig below: Weaving class for the women.

Weaving lessons

I collaborated closely with the managing organization to align objectives, resources, and timelines, ensuring that the project's goals were met efficiently. Additionally, I acted as a liaison with the organisation, facilitating cooperation and support for the project.

Each of the framed portraits had a QR code designed to know more about the artisans and connects the customers directly to them, thereby empowering them.

Overall, Project Samarth successfully enhanced the livelihoods of many women, bridging the gap between traditional craftsmanship and modern economic opportunities, thereby fostering sustainable development in the textile sector.

Development stage of the portraits

The Right side of the portrait. Initial exploration

Artisan woman working on the tapestry portrait

Initial digital portrait sketches were made and printed out which acted as a guide for the artisans to develop the tapestry.

Artisans checking for flaws after completion.

The portraits will apprear on the backside on the loom attached.

Me, wokring on one of the portraits.

Souvenir Tapestries developed by me along with artisans: Portraits of people

Advanced tapestry portrait exploration

Teaching advanced tapestry portraits involved a deep dive into intricate colors, patterns, and shapes, emphasizing both technical mastery and expressive artistry. This advanced course focuses on refining skills in tapestry weaving, particularly in the context of creating detailed portraits that capture nuances of human expression and character.